How to Set Your Sights and Achieve Your Dreams

Hey there!
New Year’s resolutions are a common tradition for many people as the start of a new year brings a sense of hope and optimism for a better future. Have you made plans on how to set your sights and achieve your dreams?
Unfortunately, for most people, these resolutions are forgotten within a few weeks or months, and are never achieved. A recent study conducted by the University of Scranton found that only 8% of people actually set their sites to achieve their New Year’s goals.
The study analyzed data from a sample of over 3,000 participants who had set New Year’s resolutions. The results showed that while a large majority of people (75%) were able to maintain their resolutions for at least a week, only 8% were successful in achieving their goals by the end of the year.
This low success rate is a clear indication of the challenges that people face in trying to achieve their goals. Some common reasons for not achieving New Year’s resolutions include a lack of commitment, unrealistic goals, and a failure to plan and implement strategies to achieve these goals.
What do the 8% of people who actually reach their goals do differently?
- They have a plan
- They build a support system around them
- They are consistent in their efforts towards their goal
- They track their progress and adjust their approach when necessary
- They are motivated and have a strong why for their goal
- They make their goal a priority and allocate sufficient time and resources towards it.
Showing Up for Yourself on a daily basis – New Year’s Resolution or not – is hard work.
Self-care, patience and hard work don’t seem like they should go together, but they do!
How can you attain your health goals and simultaneously enjoy the journey?
Does the plan followed by the successful 8% resonate with you?
I’d love to hear from you! Comment below.
About me

For the last twenty years, I have helped people take charge of their health and feel better. I have been in your shoes - sick, tired, and overwhelmed by how to actionably care for myself. If you want to feel better, but don't know where to start, you've come to the right place. Learn More >
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