Showing up for yourself.

I have a love/hate relationship with social events.
I love spending time with family and friends. I hate when I overindulge in all of the party food.
I wake the next day upset with myself.

There are a few things I have to do in order to have a good day and one of those things is eat well.
No matter how good those fries were last night, they really don’t feel good today. A few fries would have been no big deal. The whole plate was the deal breaker.
When I take care of myself, I’m more productive and I like myself better…and I think everyone else likes me better too.
When I don’t take care of myself, I don’t have a good day. I feel guilty and frustrated.
I ask myself: When is enough, enough Ishbel? How much do you need to suffer before you start doing things differently?
Here’s the stupid part: with just a few tweaks, I could still enjoy social events – probably enjoy them more – and feel exceptionally good when the alarm goes off the next day.
We live in a society of quick fixes.
I can’t tell you how many people have come to see me for one or two appointments, gone home with their RX of exercises and reported to me a few weeks later that they have seen no improvement in their pain.
And I’ll say: “So what do you think happened over the last few weeks? How did those exercises work for you?”
“I didn’t do them.”
Or they’ll say: “I did them for a few days, but it didn’t seem to help so I stopped.”
And I say: “I can understand your frustration and struggles with making the commitment to this. I’ve struggled to take care of myself for a long time too.”

And then the tough love comes out:
“You’ve had back pain for 7 years, right?” “
“And 3 days of exercises didn’t do the trick?” {add in wry smile here}
We have a good laugh, and my sweet, dear client, who I can totally and utterly relate to, totally hears what I’m saying.
Ain’t nothin’ for free friend.
Here’s the deal: YOU gotta do it.
Commitment is the golden ticket.
I believe that the time you take for you is the best time you can spend, and I promise you it will pay off in unimaginable ways.
The question is: Do YOU believe it will pay off?
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About me

For the last twenty years, I have helped people take charge of their health and feel better. I have been in your shoes - sick, tired, and overwhelmed by how to actionably care for myself. If you want to feel better, but don't know where to start, you've come to the right place. Learn More >
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