
You’ve got questions about your self-care, and I’ve got answers!

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My Favorite Summer Recipes & Your Immune System

As someone who LOVES delicious food, summer is a gold mine for to-die-for recipes that are simple and incredibly nutritious. Portland is surrounded by farms,…

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Why Your “Why” is Everything

The most important part of any healing journey is nailing down your “why”.   What does this mean?  Say for example, you want to lose weight….

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Wait…I thought this was supposed to be an Ab workout?

Have you ever gone to a workout class and done a million ab repetitions and thought to yourself “I’m going to have a 6 pack…

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Black Lives Matter and My Business

When COVID-19 hit, our family like so many others were faced with hard choices and financial uncertainty. Over night I rebooted my little wellness business…

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Stress and Your Adrenals

PHYSICAL RESPONSES TO STRESS Most of us know what stress feels like: overwhelm, frustration…and maybe even a quick temper.   But what does stress physically feel like?  How does…

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Breathing In the Abdominals

Learning how to engage the abs is truly a process that takes a lifetime. For most of us, our lifestyles don’t support proper functioning of…

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Setting Up Your Yoga & Pilates Studio at Home

Since COVID19, most of us have been working out from home. My live, online classes have been very popular (yay!), and I’ve absolutely LOVED teaching…

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Air Fry Carrot “Long Chips”

Air Fry Carrot Chips To slice these carrots into thin strips, I break the carrot in half and then put it in the food processor…

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Cutie Pie Blueberry Muffins

My daughter gives these cutie pie muffins  a “MORE” which is the best compliment there is. Plus, I don’t care if these muffins are all…

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Soy and your hormones

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